jüdisches Erbe - tradução para Inglês
Dicionário Online

jüdisches Erbe - tradução para Inglês

Kathrine Erbe; Katherine Erbe

Jewish heritage         
  • [[Sephardi Jewish]] couple from [[Sarajevo]] in traditional clothing. Photo taken in 1900.
  • author-link=Charles Hard Townes}}</ref>
  • archive-date=September 6, 2006}}</ref>
  • none
  • none
  • center
  • none
  • none
  • access-date=September 18, 2017}}</ref>
  • [[Castle Romeo]] (nuclear test), a large number of Jewish scientists were involved in Project Manhattan
  • none
  • 145px
  • 150px
  • [[Itzhak Danziger]] Nimrod, 1939 The [[Israel Museum]], Jerusalem Collection
  • center
  • left
  • ''"Death of King Saul"'', by Elie Marcuse (1848). ([[Tel Aviv Museum of Art]])
  • 140px
  • 140px
  • 120px
  • [[Hana Rovina]] in ''[[The Dybbuk]]'' (1920), a play by [[S. Ansky]]
  • [[Habima]] theater, 2021
  • none
  • none
  • German edition of the astronomy book ''De scientia motvs orbis'', originally by Mashallah ibn Athari
  • none
  • The [[Israel Philharmonic Orchestra]]'s 70th Anniversary
  • none
  • none
  • none
  • none
  • [[Lee Strasberg]]
  • none
  • none
  • [[The Guide for the Perplexed]], [[Maimonides]] (circa 1190)
  • 120px
  • none
  • none
  • none
  • none
  • none
  • 140px
  • [[Water Festival]], Kibbutz [[Ramat Yohanan]]
  • center
  • access-date=September 18, 2017}}</ref>
  • none
  • Fire and Ice]]'' (1983)
  • none
  • 130px
  • [[Sarah Bernhardt]], 1864
  • Shavit]] space launcher
  • none
  • [[Hebrew Book Week]] in Jerusalem
  • none
  • none
  • Ethics]]''
  • Tombstones from a Jewish cemetery, 13th century, Paris
  • smetana]]
  • great synagogue of Tzippori]] (5th century) in Galilee, Israel
  • Museum of Jewish culture in [[Bratislava]]
  • none
Jewish theater; Jewish theatre; Jewish art; Judaism art; Cultural Judaism; Jewish culturalism; Jewish Tradition; Jewish Artists; Jewish secular culture; Jewish arts; Secular jewish culture; Jewish Painting; Cultural Jew; Modern Jewish art; Jewish tradition; Secular Jewish culture; Jewish cinema; Jewish civilization; Jewish heritage; Culturally Jewish; Jewish culturally; Jewish experience; Science and Jewish culture; Jewish Art; Jewish Cinema; Art in Judaism
jüdisches Erbe, jüdische Traditionen
heritage of the Jewish people      
das jüdische Erbe, das Erbe des jüdischen Volkes
jüdisches Erbe      
Jewish heritage, legacy and traditions of the Jewish people


to the contrary
with the opposite meaning or implication.


Kathryn Erbe

Kathryn Elsbeth Erbe (born July 5, 1965) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Alexandra Eames on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, a spin-off of Law & Order, and Shirley Bellinger in the HBO series Oz.